A strong backhand slap from end of solar storm
Photo credit: AP | The Northern Lights are seen in the skies near Faskusfjordur on the east coast of Iceland
Thursday March 8, 2012. A solar storm shook the Earth's magnetic field
early Friday, but scientists said they had no reports of any problems
with electrical systems. After reports Thursday of the storm fizzling
out, a surge of activity prompted space weather forecasters to issue
alerts about changes in the magnetic field. (AP Photo/Jonina
Oskardottir) ICELAND OUT
At its peak, it was the most potent solar storm since 2004, space weather forecasters said.
No power outages or other technological disturbances were reported from the solar storm that started to peter out late Friday morning.
MORE: http://www.newsday.com/news/weather/a-strong-backhand-slap-from-end-of-solar-storm-1.3591104
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