Fall Back: The Science of Daylight Saving Time
Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 02 November 2012 Time: 01:13 PM ET
CREDIT: Clock image via Shutterstock
At 2:00 a.m. that day, the clocks will "fall back" an hour, meaning brighter mornings but darker evenings for most Americans. (Hawaii and Arizona don't participate in this annual ritual.)
Daylight saving time was first suggested by Ben Franklin, who seemed to mean it as a joke. He wrote in 1784 that Parisians' night-owl ways could perhaps be cured by forcing them to live by the sun's light. (Franklin suggested that cannons at sunrise might do the trick.)
More - Link >>> http://www.livescience.com/24501-daylight-savings-time-ends-sunday.html
Source: LiveScience.com .
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