April 10, 2012 4:26 AM
North Korea says rocket ready for launch as Russia warns against controversial move
Space officials told reporters at a news conference in Pyongyang that the launch of the three-stage rocket is on schedule to happen sometime between April 12-16 as part of centennial birthday commemorations for late President Kim Il Sung, the country's founder.
In a significant diplomatic move, however, Russia warned North Korea not to go forward with the launch, suggesting the move would violate U.N. Security Council resolutions.
MORE: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57411664/north-korea-says-rocket-ready-for-launch-as-russia-warns-against-controversial-move/
North Korea Rocket Launch Means No Food Aid, U.S. Says
The White House bluntly warned North Korea on Tuesday that going ahead with a long-range rocket launch would mean an end to planned American food aid to the secretive and starvation-plagued country.
"It's impossible to imagine that we would be able to follow through (and) provide the nutritional assistance that we had planned on providing, given what would be a flagrant violation of North Korea's basic international obligations," Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, told reporters aboard Air Force One.
MORE: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/north-korea-rocket-launch-means-food-aid-us/story?id=16109396#.T4SixPkc1k0
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