By Ben Brumfield, CNN
updated 9:43 AM EDT, Wed May 1, 2013
Stonewall Jackson's left arm is interred separate from the rest of his body.
- General Stonewall Jackson was shot at the battle of Chancellorsville
- The angle of the moonlight proved fateful on May 2, 1863, an astronomer says
- It obscured the view of his own men, researchers say
- Confederate infantrymen mistook him for the enemy and opened fire
Though they were
outmanned and outgunned, the momentum of the war seemed to be on the
side of Generals Robert E. Lee and "Stonewall" Jackson in Northern
But the tide turned in
the American Civil War not long after Jackson's own men inadvertently
shot him that May night at the battle of Chancellorsville in Virginia.
And for that, say two researchers, Americans can thank that full moon.
It's an intriguing
concept put forth by astronomer Don Olson and researcher Laurie E.
Jasinski from Texas State University in a study appearing in this
month's issue of Sky & Telescope magazine.
They say that when the
men of the 18th North Carolina Infantry Regiment fired upon Jackson, the
whitish lunar light likely obscured the target.
They didn't know it was him.
In other words, they say,
a moon phase is partly responsible for the molding of a nation
"dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal," as
President Abraham Lincoln put it in the Gettysburg Address.
The two reconstructed the
scene of the shooting using moon phases and maps, and published the
results 150 years after the incident.
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Sources: Sky and Telescope Magazine, Cable News Network.
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