Dazzling Photos of the International Space Station Crossing the Moon!

Moon and International Space Station
from NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
This photo was taken in the early evening of Jan. 4, 2012. Equipment: Nikon D3S, 600mm lens and 2x converter, Heavy Duty Bogen Tripod with sandbag and a trigger cable to minimize camera shake. Camera settings: 1/1600 @ f/8, ISO 2500 on High Continuous Burst. Click to Enlarge. Credit: NASA
Send Ken your ISS sighting photos to publish at Universe Today
from NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas
This photo was taken in the early evening of Jan. 4, 2012. Equipment: Nikon D3S, 600mm lens and 2x converter, Heavy Duty Bogen Tripod with sandbag and a trigger cable to minimize camera shake. Camera settings: 1/1600 @ f/8, ISO 2500 on High Continuous Burst. Click to Enlarge. Credit: NASA
Send Ken your ISS sighting photos to publish at Universe Today
No – but you might think so gazing at these dazzling new images of the Moon and the ISS snapped by a NASA photographer yesterday (Jan. 4) operating from the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
MORE: http://www.universetoday.com/92426/dazzling-photos-of-the-international-space-station-crossing-the-moon/
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< http://inclinedplane.tripod.
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