Spitzer discovers strange new "species" of ultra-red galaxies
The newfound galaxies are more than 60 times brighter in the infrared than they are at the reddest colors Hubble can detect.
December 2, 2011
artist's conception portrays four extremely red galaxies that lie
almost 13 billion light-years from Earth. Discovered using the Spitzer
Space Telescope, these galaxies appear to be physically associated and
may be interacting. One galaxy shows signs of an active galactic
nucleus, shown here as twin jets streaming out from a central black
hole. David A. Aguilar (CfA)
“We’ve had to go to extremes to get the models to match our observations,” said Jiasheng Huang from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Spitzer succeeded where Hubble failed because Spitzer is sensitive to infrared light — light so red that it lies beyond the visible part of the spectrum. The newfound galaxies are more than 60 times brighter in the infrared than they are at the reddest colors Hubble can detect.
MORE: http://www.astronomy.com/en/News-Observing/News/2011/12/Spitzer%20discovers%20strange%20new%20species%20of%20ultra-red%20galaxies.aspx
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