A tiny flame shines light on supernova explosions
New 3-D calculations provide insights into what happens the moment a white dwarf star transitions into a supernova.
November 28, 2011
figure shows four snapshots in time as the flame propagates initially
subsonically outward reaching a specified density (green) at which point
the flame transitions to a detonation. Shown in color is a reaction
progress variable describing the burning of nuclear statistical
quasi-equilibrium (NSQE) products to nuclear statistical equilibrium
(NSE) products. The blue contour marks the separation between the
previously convective core and the isothermal outer layer. Note that the
scale of the right-most figure is larger than the other three.
MORE: http://www.astronomy.com/~/link.aspx?_id=1533524b-8655-4916-bbe0-7b17ec6d1560
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