Spring's Greening Seen from Space
OurAmazingPlanet Staff -
Apr 20, 2012
12:18 PM ET
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NASA's Aqua satellite captured this view of spring greening on April 7, 2012, an unusually cloud free day. CREDIT: NASA |
With the onset of spring comes first the buds on trees and then the riot of green leaves, which is so pervasive it can even be seen from space.
NASA's Aqua satellite took this image of the Piedmont, a forested plateau between the Appalachians and the lower elevation plains along the U.S. Atlantic coast, on April 7 with its Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument.
The Appalachian Mountains themselves are still colored brown because trees at higher, and thus cooler, altitudes were likely still in bloom and had not yet begun to produce leaves, according to a NASA statement.
MORE: http://www.ouramazingplanet.com/2790-spring-greening-image.html
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