James Cameron and Investors Seek to Lasso and Mine an Asteroid
The filmmaker is joining Google and Microsoft execs in a venture to mine asteroids for commercial use that would ‘add trillions to global GDP.’ But while lassoing an asteroid could be big business, it might just be a wild ride into space.
riding through space on your trusty scooter and, feeling the urge to
lasso an asteroid, reaching out and doing just that. It is a top-notch,
boyhood sci-fi fantasy. If the scooter were pink I would ride it, too.
MORE: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/04/24/james-cameron-and-investors-seek-to-lasso-and-mine-an-asteroid.html
Does Asteroid Mining Violate Space Law?
Natalie Wolchover, Life's Little Mysteries Staff Writer
Date: 24 April 2012 Time: 02:05 PM ET

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Planetary Resources plans to build swarms of low-cost
robotic spacecraft to extract resources from near-Earth asteroids. CREDIT: Planetary Resources |
But to whom do those trillions belong — the company, or everyone? Does a private company have a right to stake claim to an asteroid, or are celestial bodies such as the moon, planets and asteroids the communal property of all Earthlings?
"The law on this is not settled and not clear," said Henry Hertzfeld, professor of space policy and international affairs at George Washington University. "There are lots of opinions on the status here, and nobody is necessarily right because it's complicated."
MORE: http://www.space.com/15408-asteroid-mining-space-law.html
Asteroids may yield precious metals, cosmic riches.
Jones, an adviser to a bold venture that aims to extract gold, platinum and rocket fuel from the barren space rocks, said many near-Earth asteroids have a loose rocky surface held together only weakly by gravity.
MORE: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gjcWIEGqkBRqZSmJvxSwy9DI1twA?docId=8343374856254f27b8da6b19f5f87866
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