This graphic shows how a ground-based laser system may be able to clear-away space junk by de-orbiting the particles.
(Graphic Source: Wired Magazine < https://www.wired.com/2011/10/space-junk-laser/ >)
By Glenn A. Walsh
Reporting for SpaceWatchtower
Can lasers be used to clear-away space
junk? For more than 20 years, scientists have been considering using
ground-based lasers to solve an increasing problem for satellites and
other spacecraft in Earth orbit. Now, the Chinese are proposing to
use space-based lasers to solve the problem.
No, we are not talking about completely
incinerating space junk with laser beams, as phaser
beams on the popular science-fiction television and motion picture
series, Star Trek, are often seen to incinerate targets. The idea is to affect the orbit of the
particular piece of space junk, so the heating of the object by a
laser beam either moves the object to an orbit that does not threaten
operating satellites, moves it to an orbit where it will eventually
de-orbit and burn-up in the atmosphere, or both. Some people refer to
such a ground-based laser system as a “Laser Broom.”
Space junk or space debris has been in
orbit, just above Earth's atmosphere, since the dawn of the Space Age
in 1957, when Russia orbited the first artificial satellites, Sputnik
1 & 2. This was followed soon-after by the first American
satellite, Explorer 1. Wednesday marks the 60th
anniversary of the launch of Explorer 1.
Since then, the United States, Russia,
and China have sent both crewed and uncrewed spacecraft into Earth
orbit. Thirteen other nations and the European Union have also sent
uncrewed satellites into orbit. And, more recently, private firms
such as SpaceX have started sending uncrewed spacecraft into orbit, with the
prospect of sending crewed spacecraft in the not-too-distant future.
After more than 60 years, many obsolete
and unused satellites, as well as spent rocket boosters and other
auxiliary apparatus, remain in orbit. And, through collisions of some
of these objects, small and even more dangerous artificial space
particles now exist in orbit.
February of 2009 saw the first
collision between an active satellite (Iridium satellite-telephone
communications satellite) and a defunct satellite (Russian Cosmos
weather satellite). Such collisions were predicted in 1978 by NASA
scientist Donald Kessler, and hence this new phenomena is known as
the Kessler Syndrome.
The cluttering of orbits with such
particles from space collisions was predicted, by the Kessler
Syndrome, to eventually make certain orbits quite unsafe for new
satellites, and hence, unusable by space-faring nations. The danger
is that much of this space junk travels at speeds of nearly 17,000
miles per hour or 7.5 kilometers per second.
Tiny particles, such as even a flake of paint, from some
previous space missions, traveling at those kind of speeds, can be
hazardous to satellites, the International Space Station (ISS), and
particularly to someone outside a spacecraft conducting an
extra-vehicular activity (EVA - ie. a space-walk). The ISS is clad in
special shielding to protect the orbital laboratory from small
impacts often received from orbiting space debris. And, to avoid the
larger orbiting particles, sometimes the Space Station is moved
Even in low Earth orbit, much of this
space junk could remain in orbit for years or even centuries. In
geo-synchronous orbit (approx. 22,236 statute miles / 35,786
kilometers above the Earth; an orbit that mimics the rotation rate of
the Earth), space junk could remain in orbit indefinitely, as there
is minimal friction to create drag and slow the space junk. Many
communications satellites are placed in geo-synchronous orbits, so
they appear to stay above one part of the Earth at all times.
In 1996, NASA and the U.S. Air Force,
in a study titled Project ORION, suggested using ground-based lasers
to nudge space junk out-of-the-way or toward de-orbiting. These would
be very powerful lasers (5 kilowatts in power, costing around
$800,000 a piece), which would vaporize surface material on target
space debris, to drive it toward the atmosphere where it would
Scientists noted that such a system
could also be used to move active satellites into more advantageous
orbits. This would reduce the need for such satellites to be launched
with additional rocket propellent, saving weight and money
Such a laser system, including
operating system and telescope, would cost in the tens of millions of
dollars. Scientists believe such a system could engage about 10
pieces of space junk per day. However, such powerful lasers could be
seen as a threat to orbiting spacecraft of other nations.
In 2015, a team of scientists from
Japan's RIKEN research lab proposed sending a laser cannon to the
ISS, to clear-away space junk in low Earth orbit. Mounted on the ISS,
the project would begin with a much weaker laser, about 10 watts of
power firing 100 laser pulses a second. Eventually, according to the
researchers, a dedicated space junk-cleaning satellite could house a
500,000-watt laser, which could pulse 50,000 times per second.
Again, a major obstacle to this proposal is the fear that this
space-based laser cannon could have military applications.
In a scientific research paper issued
this month, Chinese researchers are also proposing a powerful
space-based laser to clean-up space junk. The paper titled, “Impacts
of orbital elements of space-based laser station on small scale space
debris removal” published in the February issue of Optik –
International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, was produced
by scientists at the Chinese Air Force Engineering University.
It is, perhaps, appropriate that China
concentrate on the removal of space debris. China created a great
deal of space debris in 2007, with an anti-satellite missile test on
an old Chinese satellite. This one test created thousands of new
pieces of junk in low Earth orbit, the most severe fragmentation in
the history of space debris. One fragment seems to have damaged a
Russian spacecraft in 2013.
However, there is great skepticism as
to whether space junk is all China is interested in, regarding
space-based lasers. A U.S. Congressional commission, the U.S.-China
Economic Security and Review Commission, reported last year that
China is very interested in shooting-down U.S. satellites.
Internet Links to Additional Information ---
Laser: Link >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser
Space Junk or Space Debris: Link >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_debris
Laser Broom: Link >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_broom
Daley, Jason. "Amateur Astronomer Finds Long-Lost NASA Satellite."
Smithsonian Magazine 2018 Jan. 29.
Palmer, David. "Satellite 'License Plates' Could Prevent a Disaster in Low Earth Orbit."
Blog: The Crux.
Discover Magazine 2017 Dec. 18.
Link >>> http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/crux/2017/12/18/satellite-license-plates/#.Wm7cHnlG3IV
Related Blog Posts ---
"New USAF 'Space Fence' to Track Space Junk by 2019." 2014 May 10.
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2014/05/new-usaf-space-fence-to-track-space.html
"Sequestration: Cuts to USAF 'Space Fence' Tracking Space Junk ?" 2013 April 16.
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2013/04/sequestration-cuts-to-usaf-space-fence.html
Source: Glenn A. Walsh Reporting for SpaceWatchtower, a project of Friends of the Zeiss.
2018 January 27.
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