(Graphic Source: NASA)
By Glenn A. Walsh
Reporting for SpaceWatchtower
Unlike several other issues in the
U.S. Presidential Election Campaign of last year, not much was discussed
regarding Science, and more specifically, NASA and Space Exploration. However, the newly-inaugurated Presidential Administration of Donald
J. Trump has made a few moves regarding NASA.
Although President Trump's Inaugural
Address was rather short, it did include a few sentences referencing
Science and Technology and the exploration of Outer Space:
“Finally, we must think big and
dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only
living as long as it is striving...
“We stand at the birth of a new
millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth
from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries
and technologies of tomorrow.”
Last week, NASA confirmed that NASA
Associate Administrator David Lightfoot, the agency's top civil
servant, will serve as the NASA Acting Administrator, beginning on
January 20, when the Trump Administration officially takes the reigns
of government. At that time, the previous NASA Administrator Charles
Bolden and NASA Deputy Administrator Dava Newman officially leave the
NASA Chief Financial Officer David
Radzanowski, who earned his Master's Degree in Public Policy and
Management at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University, had been asked
to stay-on, at least temporarily, by the Trump Administration's
transition team, to provide continuity for the agency, until the
Trump Administration appoints new NASA leadership. However,
at the last minute it seems the Trump transition staff changed their minds. According to his biography on the NASA Internet web site, Mr.
Radzanowski resigned from NASA on January 20, the day President Trump
was inaugurated.
In an internal NASA memorandum dated
January 20, Mr. Lightfoot announced two new NASA staff members,
appointed by the Trump Administration. Greg Autry was appointed to be
the White House Liaison to NASA, while Erik Noble will be the White
House Senior Advisor to NASA.
Mr. Autry, who has a great interest in
commercial space activities, is an Assistant Professor of
Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California. Mr. Noble,
who worked as a political data analyst for the Trump Campaign, has a
Ph.D. In Environmental Studies from the University of Colorado and
worked for seven years on Weather and Climate models for the NASA
Goddard Institute of Space Studies in New York.
It is unknown how long Mr. Lightfoot
will serve as NASA Acting Administrator. Thus far, there has been no
word on a nominee for the permanent Administrator position, although
there is speculation regarding who President Trump may nominate.
Representative Jim Bridenstein (R-OK)
is rumored to be President Trump's top choice for the job of NASA
Administrator, although no announcement has yet been made regarding
this position. Congressman Bridenstein has just started his third
term representing Oklahoma in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congressman Bridenstein favors
expanding the responsibilities of the Office of Commercial Space
Transportation (AST), beyond its current regulation of launch and
re-entry of spacecraft. He believes the agency should also regulate
in-space activities, including possible future mining of planets and
It is speculated that commercial
space-related activities will receive primary attention during the
Trump Administration. In this, there may not be much difference from
President Barack H. Obama's Administration, which oversaw the
beginning of commercial space ventures such as SpaceX, Orbital ATK,
Cygnus, and Bigelow Aerospace.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz brought up the
issue of commercial space, during confirmation hearings for the
upcoming Trump Administration Cabinet officers on January 11. He
asked U.S. Secretary of Transportation-Designate Elaine Chao, during
her Senate hearing, whether she would favor transferring the Office
of Commercial Space Transportation from the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) back to the Transportation Secretary's office.
In 1983, U.S. President Ronald Reagan
used an Executive Order to assign the U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT) with the responsibility for facilitating and
regulating the commercial space launch industry. Congress passed the
Commercial Space Launch Act the next year, which placed the Office
of Commercial Space Transportation in the Transportation Secretary's
The Office of Commercial Space
Transportation was transferred to the FAA in November of 1995.
Supporters of commercial space argue that the Office would have greater
visibility and resources if it returned to the Transportation
Secretary's office.
Ms. Chao, who was not prepared for this
particular question, stated that she would seek “getting briefed on
the current status of the issue.” Senator Cruz, who favors the
proposed transfer, said he would work with her on the issue.
Ms. Chao served in various capacities
during previous Republican Administrations, including as Labor
Secretary during the George W. Bush Administration. During part of
the George H.W. Bush Administration, Ms. Chao was Deputy Secretary of
Transportation. She is married to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority
Leader (R-KY), who, along with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, introduced
her at the hearing.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), who sought the
Republican Presidential Nomination in 2016, is Chairman of the
Senate's Space, Science and Competitiveness Sub-Committee. In the
last Congress, he helped pass the Commercial Space Launch
Competitiveness Act (CSLCA), which proposes the move of the Office
of Commercial Space Transportation from the FAA to the DOT.
Senator Cruz was the only Senator to
ask any questions regarding Outer Space policy. Senator Bill Nelson
(D-FL) did not ask any space-related questions, although he did
mention that he was an author of the 1984 commercial space
legislation when he served in the House of Representatives.
Another Space issue that will need
attention by the new Administration will be the future of NASA's
Earth Science program. Some members of Congress, including Senator
Cruz, believe the functions of this program would be better in
another agency, such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) in the U.S. Department of Commerce. However, NASA
officials continue emphasizing that Earth Science is an important
part of NASA's mission.
It is reported that the Trump
Administration may reinstate the National Space Council, which is an
advisory body within the Executive Office, to recommend Space
policies to the President. A National Space Council, which would
likely be chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, was last in use
during the George H.W. Bush Administration from 1988 to 1993.
Some issues a future National Space Council may consider include proposed crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and to an asteroid. As of now, NASA is committed to maintaining the International Space Station (ISS), at least, through 2024. Although, NASA officials have expressed hope that private industry may play a larger role in maintaining ISS, as well as in other low-Earth orbit activities, in the future.
Some issues a future National Space Council may consider include proposed crewed missions to the Moon, Mars, and to an asteroid. As of now, NASA is committed to maintaining the International Space Station (ISS), at least, through 2024. Although, NASA officials have expressed hope that private industry may play a larger role in maintaining ISS, as well as in other low-Earth orbit activities, in the future.
Another position that has not yet been
filled by the incoming Administration is that of head of the White
House Office of Science and Technology Policy. More informally known
as the White House Science Advisor, this person helps set Science and
Technology policy for an Administration, as well as helping to
explain complex Science and Technology issues to Presidents, who
often come into office with minimal knowledge of such issues.
However, it is reported that there are rumors that President Trump
may leave this position vacant.
Internet Links to Additional Information ---
Foust, Jeff. "Trump administration assigns first political appointees to NASA."
SpaceNews.com 2017 Jan. 22.
Link >>> http://spacenews.com/trump-administration-assigns-first-political-appointees-to-nasa/
Jeff Foust
"President Trump's Inaugural Address, Annotated." Public Address.National Public Radio 2017 January 20.
Link >>> http://www.npr.org/2017/01/20/510629447/watch-live-president-trumps-inauguration-ceremony
Cofield, Calla. "6 Things to Know About Trump and NASA."
Space.com 2017 Jan. 20.
Link >>> http://www.space.com/35395-6-things-about-trump-and-nasa.html?utm_source=sp-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20170120-sdc
Foust, Jeff. "NASA's top civil servant will lead the agency temporarily."
SpaceNews.com 2017 Jan. 13.
Link >>> http://spacenews.com/nasas-top-civil-servant-will-lead-the-agency-temporarily/
Jeff Foust
Smith, Marcia S."Chao Punts on Whether Commerical Space Should be Restored to DOT Secretary's Office."
SpacePolicyOnLine.com 2017 Jan. 12.
Link >>> http://www.spacepolicyonline.com/news/chao-demurs-on-whether-commercial-space-should-be-restored-to-dot-secretarys-office
Related Blog Posts ---
"U.S. Space Program: Views of Presidential Candidates." 2016 Nov. 6.
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2016/11/us-space-program-views-of-presidential.html
"White House Science Frontiers Conference & Astronomy Night in Pittsburgh." 2016 Oct. 14.
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2016/10/white-house-science-frontiers.html
"U.S. Presidential Candidates Answer Science Questions." 2016 Sept. 18.
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2016/09/us-presidential-candidates-answer.html
Source: Glenn A. Walsh Reporting for SpaceWatchtower, a project of Friends of the Zeiss.
2017 January 23.
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I presume that the era of NASA's Main Mission being Muslim Outreach is over. :-)
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