Rolling back the years... (Image: NASA)
NASA announced that it is seeking bidders
for its three mobile launcher platforms. The 3700-ton hunks of steel
were used at Kennedy Space Center in Florida to ferry large rockets to
the launch zone and serve as launch pads.
The two-story structures contain a maze of
pathways, plumbing and electrical cabling used to assist launches and
safely vent rocket exhaust. They carried Saturn V rockets during the
Apollo era, then were modified for the space shuttles.
With the shuttles now museum artifacts,
NASA is out of uses for the platforms. Its next big rocket, the Space
Launch System (SLS), is due to fly in 2017 and will use a newer platform built for the Ares rocket, a large launch vehicle that was part of a now-cancelled program to send humans back to the moon.
More - Link >>> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24104-nasa-seeks-takers-for-moonmission-launch-pads.html#.Ui5c6EqyKHt
Source: New Scientist Magazine.
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