Commuter rail service will resume Friday in the San Francisco Bay area after unions called off a strike, agreeing with the transit agency to extend a labor contract for a month while they continue bargaining.
BART, the nation's fifth-largest rail system, will begin operating trains by 3 p.m. PDT Friday, ending a four-day strike that crippled commutes across the Bay Area, California Labor Secretary Marty Morgenstern announced late Thursday.
The current contract between BART and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1021 and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Local 1555, will be extended for 30 days after expiring earlier this week.
BART General Manager Grace Crunican said there is a wide gap of disagreements between the two sides.
"Unfortunately, the issues that brought us to this point remain unresolved," Crunican said. "Despite lots of hard work, BART and its unions have failed to come to an agreement on contract issues that matter to all of us today and into the future."
BART to resume service, no deal reached with union:
Link >>> http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/bart-to-resume-service-no-deal-reached-with-union/Content?oid=2498780
Bay Area commute is light ahead of BART resuming service:
Link >>> http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/bay-area-commute-is-light-ahead-of-bart-resuming-service/Content?oid=2499543
BART strike partially comes down to dispute over $17.53 million:
Link >>> http://www.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/bart-strike-partially-comes-down-to-dispute-over-1753-million/Content?oid=2498582
Sources: San Francisco Examiner, Associated Press News Wire Service.
Related Blog Post ---
San Francisco BART Rapid Transit Strike Continues (2013 July 4):
Link >>> http://spacewatchtower.blogspot.com/2013/07/san-francisco-bart-rapid-transit-strike.html
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