A Character in a Romney Campaign Anecdote Appears on the Trail
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
A supporter held a flag that survived the Space Shuttle Challenger crash at a rally for Mitt Romney in Englewood, Colo., on Saturday.
Somehow, the flag survived the explosion intact, and Mr. Romney tells the story, at event after event in these closing weeks, as a testament to American innovation and perseverance.
But Saturday night in Englewood, about 45 miles north of Monument, Mr. Romney had a surprise for the crowd: The scoutmaster, William Tolbert, a major in the United States Air Force who was assigned to Space Command, was in the crowd, complete with that same flag.
Below, the full exchange:
More - Link >>> http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/03/a-character-in-a-romney-campaign-anecdote-appears-on-the-trail/
Source: The New York Times.
More information regarding the American Flag flown on the last Challenger launch (Source: Wikipedia.org ): Link >>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_flag
Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Viewed at Pittsburgh's Original Buhl Planetarium:
Link >>> http://buhlplanetarium2.tripod.com/bio/2006ChallengerBuhl.htm
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< http://andrewcarnegie2.tripod.
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