A green future: NASA's $10 million project explores algae of as fuel source
05/18/2012 09:16:37 PM PDT
05/18/2012 09:39:02 PM PDT
For two years, a team of NASA researchers have been using a borrowed state Department of Fish and Game lab to test a potential new energy source by using treated wastewater to grow algae, which can produce a fuel that has already been tested on jets and may one day be used for spaceships.
Called the OMEGA Project, the $10 million study is being headed by Santa Cruz resident Jonathan Trent, a NASA scientist who has assembled a team of 20 researchers to explore the one of the most talked-about potential sources of biofuels.
MORE: http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_20658615/green-future-nasas-10-million-project-explores-algae
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